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Fenchyl Alcohol
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Abstrax Terpene Isolates
Here’s the highlight reel:
Filler Free
Organic Compliant
Natural Ingredients
Molecularly Distilled
What makes Abstrax different?
Abstrax uses the finest material in the industry to create consistent and repeatable results time after time. How do we achieve this? By sourcing high quality raw material, analyzing every little nuance and then taking the extra step of molecularly refining out any lingering impurities. Does it take more time? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely.

Native to cannabis
There are thousands (and thousands) of terpenes in nature. Seriously, we’re talking over 20,000 individual terpenes. And while that’s thoroughly awesome, we’re focusing on the terps most often found in cannabis. Every terpene isolate we offer is a compound natively found in cannabis.

What are Terpene Isolates?
In the simplest terms, they are isolated individual terpenes.
Think of them like LEGO blocks. You can assemble them together to build whatever your imagination can dream. We use terpene isolates to create all of our Abstrax products.
In fact, these are the exact same Terpene Isolates we use in all of our products. If you’ve had the opportunity to sample our products then you’ve already experienced these isolates at work. We sell them in their isolated form so that you can create your very own products using the best, most flavorful terpenes available. -
What makes your Terpene Isolates special?
We approach our terpene isolates a bit differently than our competitors. Instead of getting hung up on percentages and purity, we source and refine our isolated terpenes by how they smell and how they taste while still satisfying every regulatory and safety threshold.
We’re going to assume that, if you’re reading this, you’re likely a product manufacturer or somebody who cares about the experience of their consumers. You’re probably not purchasing isolated terpenes for the sake of calibrating extremely expensive scientific equipment. So what truly matters is how these terps are perceived from a finished-product standpoint while still passing every state’s strict safety & regulatory standards. It’s all about the flavor, aroma, and experience.
For example, we’ve sourced isolates that are greater than 98% pure and they taste fundamentally wrong. Just because an isolate has a higher purity percentage, it doesn’t mean that it’s a better product or that it tastes/smells good.
We believe that people want a consistent, reliable, and high-quality experience. So we source and refine our terpenes with that in mind every single time. Does the end consumer care that your Valencene has a purity of 99% or are they more concerned with how it tastes?
It should also be noted that we use these isolated terpenes in our own products. These are the exact same terps we use to make our blends. We’re not selling anything we don’t completely believe in or wouldn’t use ourselves. This is the good stuff. -
Your isolates are not 100% pure terpenes, what is the other percentage?
It’s other aromatic compounds such as esters, aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols. These are common (not scary) secondary metabolites found within the original plant.
Are your Terpene Isolates food grade?
Yup, all of our Terpene Isolates are food grade. Every single botanical product we make uses only food grade ingredients.
What do I use Terpene Isolates for?
For making products! All of our products are intended to be sold to businesses looking to make products.
They are not intended to be ingested on their own. In fact, they can be downright unpleasant if you try to consume these undiluted. Don’t say we didn’t warn ya’.
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