Terpene Mixing Ratios
Not sure what percentage of terpenes and TEC Temper to use in your end products? See our overview below, choose your end product, and calculate the ratios based on your desired volume.
Vape Cartridges
Starting Point: 1 g by volume and work up from there. Recommended at 5%.
Example: 9 g distillate + 0.5 g terps + 0.5 g TEC Temper.
Starting Point: 0.5 g by weight.
Example: 2 g of product, add 0.001 g.
Starting Point: Start with 0.1% and adjust accordingly.
Example: To a 30 mL tincture, add 0.003 mL of a terpene blend.
Starting Point: Depending on the edible, start with 0.25% by weight and adjust accordingly.
Example: Hard candy batch weighing 14 g, add 0.035 g of a terpene blend.
Starting Point: 0.04% by weight.
Example: 1 bottle of champagne, add 1-2 drops of your favorite water-soluble terpene blend.
Starting Point: 1% Terpenes by weight.
Example: 1 ounce of lotion (28 g) add 0.28 g of terpenes.
The Ultimate Terpene Mixing Guides
Everything you need to know to mix terpenes.

The Ultimate Terpene Mixing Guide
How to Mix Terpenes with D9/D8/D10/ HHC/CBD and More
We’ve put together a comprehensive 25-page mixing guide for how to mix our terpenes with any cannabinoid. This is the ultimate guide for creating terpene-based products. Click below to download and start formulating.

How to Combine
HDT with BDT
How to add the Cloudburst Series and the Native Series to Hemp-Derived Terpenes
Hemp terps are great, but they become insane when you combine them with botanically-derived terpenes. We've put together a few of our favorite combos for you to try. Consider these as starting points to find your own favorite formula.

Gellies Mixing Guide
For Gummies & Edibles
How to Create the Most Delicious
Cannabis-Infused Gummies
Take your gummies to the next level with Abstrax Gellies. Perfect for both THC-infused and regular gummies, our flavors deliver bold, delicious results. This guide offers expert tips for balancing flavor and function to create incredible edibles.
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