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General Terpene Questions

  • How do I pronounce this stuff?

    Yeah, don’t worry, these are uncommon words (and there are a lot of them). We’ve heard them called everything from “terpentines” to “terrapins.” Everyone starts somewhere.

    Starting with the basics: terpenes is pronounced “turr-peens.”

    Check out our Terpene Isolates. We have a pronunciation guide on each of the individual product pages. That’ll help get you started.

  • What are terpenes?

    Here’s the simple explanation.

    You’ve known terpenes your entire life. If you’ve ever smelled a rose, peeled an orange, or sat next to a Christmas tree you’ve experienced terpenes in action.

    Terpenes are what give plants their flavor, aroma, and some of their effects. And, if you think about it, cannabis is a plant just like roses and pine trees. So why does that matter?

    You’ve probably been on Leafly and seen strains that make you energized and focused while others lock you into the couch. Do you know why different strains do different things?


    Those effects aren’t coming from THC (the stuff that gets you high), it’s the terpenes that do that! Think of THC as the gas pedal and terpenes as the steering wheel. THC gets the engine running but terpenes determine where you’re going to go.

    Since terpenes are found in almost every plant in nature, we’re able to extract them from other sources (like mangoes, lemongrass, whatever) and blend them together to create the flavor, aroma, and effect of cannabis… without cannabis.

    Terpenes provide varying degrees of effects on their own, but they really shine when they’re paired with a cannabinoid to unlock the Entourage Effect.

  • What’s the detailed explanation of terpenes?

    Scroll up if you’re looking for the simplified explanation because this one might make your eyes glaze over. You asked for it.

    Terpenes are a class of chemical compounds with the formula C10H16 that are biosynthesized in nature from the isoprene (C5H10) chemical functional group. The term “terpenes” is used colloquially to refer to a class of compounds that encompasses terpenes (Chemical formula C10H16), terpenoids (terpenes that contain compounds other than carbon and hydrogen), sesquiterpenes (chemical formula C15H24), sesquiterpenoids (sesquiterpenes containing elements other than carbon and hydrogen), di- and triterpenes as well as terpenoids. These compounds contribute to the aroma of many plants and are produced ubiquitously in nature.

  • How can I use terpenes?

    It’s almost better to ask, "what can’t terpenes be used for?"

    In terms of cannabis, terpenes are most frequently added to cannabinoids to unlock the Entourage Effect. Just like love and marriage, you can’t have one without the other. That means that everything from edibles to vape pens will contain terpenes. If you’re making a cannabis product, you NEED terpenes.

    But terpenes are by no means limited to just the world of cannabis. As flavors, they’re frequently added to food, beverages, marinades, cocktails, etc. As fragrances, you’ll also find them in everything from cosmetic products to perfumes. You have known them your entire life without even realizing it.

  • What is the Entourage Effect?

    Alright, picture an elevator and an airplane.

    If you were to smoke 100% pure THC, it’d be like riding a really tall elevator. You’d go up, but you’re not really going anywhere. Sooner or later you’re going to come back down in the same place. Not really a thrill ride.

    Now add terpenes and repeat the experiment. This time you’re going to go wayyy up, miles high, but you’re also going to go on a trip. Now you’re flying and heading to Rome and Paris and maybe even the moon. Blast off.

    Okay, to get serious, terpenes and cannabinoids work synergistically. The cannabis plant naturally contains both and that’s the quintessential experience that most of us are used to. When you combine terpenes and cannabinoids, just like nature intended, you get the full experience. You paint in color. You fly.

    This is the “Entourage Effect” in action. If you’re making products with cannabinoids, you need terpenes.

  • What is the difference between cannabis-derived and botanically-derived?

    Ah, the great debate. Purists will claim that cannabis-derived terpenes are the best without compromise. Botanically-derived terpenes have taken a bad rap over the last few years due to shady companies and a general lack of knowledge. We’re not going to tell you that one is better than the other - but they are different.

    It’s important to understand that a molecule is a molecule. Regardless of where you extract a terpene from - whether its from OG Kush or a jasmine flower - it’s still the same compound. The big difference is how each of them are extracted, purified, and finalized. There is no shortage of ways to extract organic compounds from plant matter. Some are better at preserving the delicate flavor and aroma compounds while others decimate those fragile pieces. Some cannabis-derived terpenes contain the undesirable compounds found in plants like lipids, waxes, and chlorophyll. It’ll certainly taste and smell more “planty” but the question of better is subjective. So it really comes down to the quality of the extraction method, the purity of the compounds, and the subjective tastes of the end user.

    You may have noticed that the botanical terps from some companies just don’t taste right. That’s because most terpene companies don’t invest the time or resources to actually research the plant - to understand what nature is telling them. We are the only terpene company with a type-7 lab which allows us to directly research cannabis in-house and use it to guide us when creating products. The only ones.

    We genuinely love cannabis. In fact, it’s the entire reason why we’ve dedicated endless hours of R&D to understand what makes it tick. We don’t just aim to make random cannabis flavors based off of the analytics from some third-party lab. We want to understand what makes each cultivar unique so that we can do it justice when we recreate it in a botanical format. We believe that nature should guide us and, even more important, we should use that natural information to make incredible products.

    In 2021 we had our breakthrough. We discovered what makes cannabis smell like cannabis. People have tried to guess for decades, but we are the ones who made the breakthrough discovery. That wasn’t a university or an analytical lab - that was Abstrax. And we, alone, are able to utilize that peer-reviewed research to create the best and most authentic terpene profiles in the world. We’re able to add the same skunky, gassy, aromatic compounds found in cannabis directly to our botanically-derived terpenes to give the best of both worlds.

    We love studying and using this magical plant every day. So while Abstrax Tech is entirely dedicated to botanically-derived terpenes that bridge the gap between cannabis-derived and botanically-derived, our Abstrax Labs division creates world-class cannabis-derived terpenes and extracts. Whatever you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered.

  • What is the difference between terpenes and essential oils?

    Quick answer. Think of essential oils like a big bowl of chili. Everything is all mixed together. Terpenes are the beans - just one single component. We’re able to take that bean (this is a weird analogy) and polish it until it shines. Essential oils are made up of a ton of different terpenes along with some potentially unnecessary extras.

Abstrax’s Terpenes

  • What’s the difference between a profile and a blend?

    A profile relates specifically to the ratio of terpenes and aromatic compounds found within a specific cannabis strain/chemovar. An important distinction: a profile does not mean a strain/chemovar, rather it’s what aromatic compounds that strain/chemovar contains.

    For example: Blue Dream is not a terpene profile. Blue Dream, the cannabis strain, is made up of terpenes and other aromatic compounds and that’s what the terpene profile specifically relates to. That profile is what makes Blue Dream Blue Dream. Our Signature Series, Native Series, and Premium Strain Profiles are all examples of Profiles because we have profiled the cannabis strain.

    Blends are man-made creations usually involving several terpenes and aromatic compounds. Whereas terpene profiles are an analysis, and sometimes a recreation, of the exact compounds found within a specific strain, blends are the result of blending individual terpenes together to create a desired output. Sometimes it’s to recreate a terpene strain profile, other times it's to create something entirely new. So in this sense, a blend is sometimes representative of a terpene profile, but not always. It is preferred to use the term “profile” when referring to a particular strain as it is more precise.

    Our Signature Series, Native Series, and Premium Strain Profiles are all examples of terpene profiles. The Cloudburst Series and Entourage Series are examples of flavored terpene blends.

  • Why does Abstrax sell terpenes by the gram/kilogram rather than milliliter/gallon?

    Mixing instructions measure substances by the gram, not the liter. Unfortunately, it’s pretty common to omit density changes when calculating percentages. Density is how compact something is (mass) relative to how much space it takes up (volume). It’s expressed as g/mL.

    If you’re measuring water, then 1 mL is the same as 1 gram - but we’re measuring terpenes, not water. Terpenes are 0.865 g/mL relative to water’s 1 g/mL. So, if you’re buying 1 gallon (3785 milliliters) of terpenes, you are not getting 3785 grams of terpenes, you are getting 3274 grams, 511 less than a direct conversion.

    You can see where this could start to get confusing. We try to make it simple so you’ll find both units of measurement on our bottles, but we prioritize our products by grams so that you get exactly what you need. This actually means that you get more terpenes from us than from our competitors. Our 5g size gets you 5.8mL of terpenes, for example.

  • I received my products. Why are the bottles only half full?

    We package our products according to federal DOT and IATA specifications to ensure that they’re in compliance with federal regulation.

    This means that we have to include adequate “headspace” within the bottle. Anyone who’s ever had their ears pop on an airplane knows that the pressure will change when you travel. Our terpenes are extremely concentrated and there can be a danger when they’re shipped improperly. We’d really prefer to avoid those issues so we strictly follow federal regulations in the name of overall safety.

    Rest assured - even though the bottle is half full, you still have the correct amount listed on the label.

  • Do terpenes have to be diluted prior to use?

    Oh yeah, absolutely. Our products are highly concentrated food grade terpenes and flavors for manufacturer use only. Do NOT directly ingest, inhale, or touch the terps with bare skin prior to dilution.

  • Do you offer mixing and usage directions?

    Sure do. Click here to review our Mixing Guide/Calculator.

  • Why all the crazy warning labels?

    Better safe than sorry. Our terpenes are highly concentrated and should not be consumed undiluted (see the above FAQ.)

    Based on available data, and to comply with regulations, we conservatively recommend special handling of these concentrated products. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes, wood surfaces and fabrics. Keep out of reach of children and pets. When in this pure of a form, terpenes can be dangerous and must be handled with the utmost care for your own safety. We can’t stress it enough. These are crazy high quality and extremely concentrated. You are getting the most possible bang for your buck.

  • Do your products contain THC or CBD?

    No. Our products do not contain any cannabinoids like THC and CBD, nor any compounds from cannabis. If you’re looking for that, check out Abstrax Labs.

  • Are your products Kosher certified?

    Yes, they are! You can view our Kosher certificate here.

  • What is the shelf life of your products?

    Unless otherwise stated on the label, COA, or SDS, the recommended intended use for an unopened product is one year from the date of purchase or listed manufacturing date.

    We use “Best By” dates for our products because terpenes do not spoil in the sense that milk will go bad. If they go past their “Best By” date, you might notice some unintended flavor or color changes. It might not have the same experience as a fresh product.

    Terpenes are delicate, volatile organic compounds that may degrade over time. It really depends on how they’re stored and handled. So take good care of them and they’ll take good care of you.

  • Do any of your products contain Diacetyl?

    Absolutely not. Diacetyl and its derivatives have been banned from all Abstrax products since the company was founded. Quite simply, Diacetyl is awful for inhalation and we won’t go near it.

  • I’m in Oregon. Are your products intended for inhalation?

    We recognize that ouroil-soluble products may be used for inhalation after they’ve been diluted. Our terpenes are concentrated and should always be diluted before use. Seriously, don’t try adding these straight to a dab.

    Big disclaimer: do not try to vape or inhale our water-soluble or powdered products. We offer multiple formats (oil-soluble, water-soluble, powdered, etc) so that our customers have the most efficient way to infuse their products with terpenes. If you are intending to use terpenes in a vape application then be sure to use our oil-soluble products.

    This is especially important if you are in Oregon. If you’re buying terpenes from somewhere else, make sure that their terps are intended for inhalation. If they’re not, then you can’t use them in your Oregon products.

    There are some terp companies who won’t actually say that their products are intended for inhalation. They’ll dodge the question completely. So, from an overall industry standpoint, watch out for shady companies who won’t even acknowledge what their products are used for.

  • Speaking of Oregon… may I, please, have a full ingredients list for the OLCC?

    Sure, but only because you asked so nicely.

    You can reach out to us directly through here. You’ll need to sign an NDA and then we’ll hook you up.

  • Do your terpenes contain solvents?

    Terpenes are solvents! There may be trace amounts of other solvents contained in our Terpene Isolates but they are in a concentration well below the safety thresholds for cannabis products in several states.

  • Are your bottles and containers safe for terpenes?

    Yes! Abstrax Tech uses completely opaque, food grade, glass bottles along with aluminum containers. The black and white opaque glass bottles prevent light from penetrating which significantly reduces the risk of UV degradation when compared to clear, green, or blue cobalt colored glass.

  • Do you ship to every U.S. state and territory?

    We ship to all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico, but other American territories can be tricky. Please contact us before placing an order if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Do you ship worldwide?

    Generally, yes! However there are some restrictions on certain countries. Please contact us before placing an order.


  • Why Abstrax? Why not Floraplex, True Terpenes, or somewhere else?

    We put our product quality above all else at Abstrax. Our products are better because we have the science to prove it.

    Abstrax’s R&D is second-to-none in the industry. We are the company that discovered what makes weed smell like weed. Everyone knows that smell. If somebody is smoking a joint 100 yards away, you’re going to instantly recognize it.

    People have tried to guess for decades, but we are the ones who made the breakthrough discovery. That wasn’t a university or an analytical lab - that was Abstrax. And we, alone, are able to utilize that peer-reviewed research to create the best and most authentic terpene profiles in the world.

    The way we see it, our products are everything. We conduct peer-reviewed scientific research and perform the industry’s most detailed analytics (by far) in order to create the most faithful and flavorful terpene blends on the market. We believe that no matter how good someone else’s customer service or marketing is, it won’t matter if their terpenes are just like everybody else’s. We prioritize the consumer experience above all else and aim to deliver unique and iconic flavors that solidify your brand for life. Because your customers are going to be the ones who vote with their wallet and you need to give them the best possible experience.

    We feel so strongly about our products that we encourage you to take the challenge and try our terps against our competitors. Seriously. How many companies tell you to buy their competitors’ products?Do a blind taste test and see for yourself why more people prefer Abstrax.

  • What is the Abstrax advantage?

    Abstrax is the only terpene manufacturer licensed in the United States to study, extract, and formulate botanical terpene profiles from cannabis analyzed completely in-house. Other terpene companies are relying on third-party labs to perform analytics with questionable and varying quality. We work directly with the best cultivators (Jack Herer, Sherbinskis, JoshD, etc) to map their cannabis at its peak freshness completely in-house. We're not selling knockoffs based on guesswork or some cheap imitation.

    We are the only terpene company in the world with a GCxGC (pronounced GC cross GC.) This is proprietary technology that allows us to test for well over 400 compounds found in cannabis. Other labs test for, on average, around 30-40 compounds. To put it another way, our analytical capabilities are at least 10x greater. It’s like using an electron microscope versus a magnifying glass. Other terpene companies might as well be formulating in the dark.

    Every single one of Abstrax’s products, from our Native Series to Cloudburst, is formulated entirely in-house. We’re not buying off-the-shelf flavor solutions like some of our competitors. We’re creating each of our products from scratch. Every. Single. Time.

    That means that every strain and every flavor is reverse-engineered by our chemists to create completely unique and accurate flavor profiles that you’re not going to find anywhere else. This is the Abstrax advantage.

  • How can Abstrax help my business succeed?

    We create products not with our customers in mind, but with your customers at the forefront. If consumers aren’t thrilled with the experience of your products then we go out of business. It’s that simple.

    So we offer several different product collections to fit the wants and desires of every consumer niche. It doesn’t matter if they’re the headiest stoner, the secret smoker, the soccer mom, or the retired couple - we have terpenes to fit everybody.

    No matter whether you're already a huge multi-state operator or just somebody looking to make their mark in the cannabis industry, Abstrax has got you covered.

  • Can Abstrax create custom, exclusive products for my business?

    We’d be honored!

    Our team of flavor chemists can create anything you can dream up. Want a skunky, cannabis-centric flavor with grape accents? Easy. How about a functional flavor that smells like roses? Boom, done.

    We’ll make you a flavor solution custom tailored to your business and your customers’ needs. And we can grant you exclusivity so that it remains yours forever.

    Get started with a custom order here.

  • How does Abstrax create products?

    We start by rigorously sourcing our raw material with flavor and aroma quality in mind. We approach our terpene isolates a bit differently than our competitors. Instead of getting hung up on percentages and purity, we source and refine our isolated terpenes by how they smell and how they taste while still satisfying every regulatory and safety threshold.

    We’re going to assume that, if you’re reading this, you’re likely a product manufacturer or somebody who cares about the experience of their consumers. You’re probably not purchasing isolated terpenes for the sake of calibrating extremely expensive scientific equipment. So what truly matters is how these terps are perceived from a finished-product standpoint. It’s all about the flavor, aroma, and experience.

    Every single one of Abstrax’s products, from our Native Series to Cloudburst, is formulated entirely in-house. We’re not buying off-the-shelf flavor solutions or using somebody else’s cannabis analytics like our competitors are. We’re creating each of our products from scratch. Every. Single. Time.

    That means that every strain and every flavor is reverse-engineered by our chemists to create completely unique and accurate flavor profiles that you’re not going to find anywhere else. This allows us to craft products that are incredibly faithful to their source material.

    Check out our What We Do page for an even more in-depth explanation.

  • Does Abstrax offer products for beer or other CPG applications?

    We have an entire division of Abstrax dedicated to making products for beer and CPG applications. Click here to explore.

  • Where is Abstrax located?

    Abstrax is proudly American - born and raised in sunny Southern California. If you’re ever in the area and looking for the best surfing, fishing, food, or flower get in contact with us.

Native Series

  • What is the Native Series?

    Imagine cannabis-derived terpenes… without cannabis. That’s the Native Series - a collection of Advanced Terpene Profiles. Tastes and smells exactly like the original cannabis material. Except they’re not limited by supply, they don’t cost your firstborn child, and they’re legal worldwide.

    Native Series profiles, by and large, contain cannasulfur compounds - the ingredients Abstrax discovered that give cannabis its distinctive gassy, skunky aroma. Through our industry-leading analytics, we’re able to unlock all of the mysteries of the original flower and then recreate them more precisely than any other terpene company on the planet.

    The Native Series is completely unique in the terpene marketplace. No other terpene company has a botanical terpene blend that tastes and smells like cannabis. You’ll often find “live resin” hemp terpenes that try to get close to our Native Series, but check the price tag and supply.

    If you’re a brand that’s looking to build consumer trust through repeatable and scalable cannabis product lines, then our Native Series is the best viable option to optimize your product experience.

  • How are Native Series profiles created?

    We let nature guide us on the product development of each Native Series profile.

    First we run a fresh sample through our analytical equipment to unlock everything that’s in the plant. Other terpene companies and labs test for about 30-40 compounds commonly found in cannabis. Abstrax tests for over 400. Think about it - how could we honestly build a product if we’re only guessing at what the ingredients are?

    After we’ve performed our detailed analytics, we let the plant guide our formulation. We’re not taking artistic liberties with this collection. Whatever the cannabis plant is producing is exactly what you’re going to taste in our finished profile.

  • How close are Native Series profiles to cannabis-derived terpenes?

    They’re nearly identical. We’re talking 99% accuracy. That’s really what makes the Native Series so special. They’re the world’s first true-to-type botanical terpene profiles.

    Cannabis is an extremely complex plant. It can frequently have hundreds and hundreds of individual compounds from cultivar to cultivar. So we take extra special care to craft our Native Series profiles using a massive library of aroma compounds.

    Our Native Series profiles can be an even closer representation of the original flower than cannabis-derived terpenes from the same flower. I know, bold claim. How can a botanical profile be more accurate than the actual terpenes derived from the cannabis itself?

    To start with, the flavor profile is very delicate and your extraction method is massively important. If you’re extracting via butane, propane, etc then you’re removing most of the organic compounds. If you’re using steam distillation it's probably going to come out smelling like tea leaves. CO2 extractions use a lot of heat & pressure and it can absolutely demolish the flavor profile. On and on and on. Point is that there’s a very strong likelihood of altering the flavor profile of the flower through the extraction process. If that alteration is greater than 1% then our Native Series will be a closer final representation. We published a research study on this to prove it.

    We have the most detailed cannabis analytics in the entire world so we can determine exactly what the original flower contained. Then we can formulate using the same compounds to impart the gassy, skunky notes found in cannabis even though it's a botanical blend. The end result is often an even closer representation of the original flower than cannabis-derived terpenes themselves.

  • Why are some Native Series profiles listed as “sauce, rosin, or flower?”

    We conducted a peer-reviewed research study to figure out how different cannabis concentrates, derived from the same cultivar, compare to the original flower itself. What changes occur, if any, when you take flower and turn it into live resin or solventless rosin? Check out our paper here.

    Long story short - the flavor and aroma profile can vary. We learned that different cannabis products can have different aromas even from the same cultivar.

    For our Native Series profiles we’ve modeled their analytics off the “best” version of each cultivar. That’s why Native Series profiles denote the source of the original cannabis material we analyzed.

    Special note: don’t confuse the Native Series with the misnamed “live resin terpene” offerings you’ll find from our competitors. Live resin is an extract obtained from the hydrocarbon extraction of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds, typically via the use of a solvent (not steam!) from fresh frozen flower.

  • Are these “live resin” terpenes?

    No, they’re botanically derived. In fact, the bulk majority of “live resin terpenes” are improperly named. Here’s why.

    Live resin is a honey-like extract created with fresh frozen cannabis and extracted using a hydrocarbon extraction method (typically butane.) The original plants are kept frozen throughout the extraction process and they skip the traditional drying, curing, and trimming phases of harvest. The plants must remain frozen otherwise the heat will destroy the volatile flavor and aroma compounds and, additionally, they’ll carry over unwanted water.

    To be clear, live resin is a cannabis extract. “Live resin terps” would imply that the terpenes were extracted from a live resin extract, but that is very rarely the case. Don’t be fooled and, more importantly, don’t spend money on mislabeled steam-distilled hemp terpenes.

    There are true live resin terps out there and, even better, we sell them! Hop on over to Abstrax Labs if you’re interested.

  • Why wouldn’t I just use cannabis-derived terpenes?

    Well, you absolutely can. There’s nothing wrong with cannabis-derived terpenes. Just like everything else in the world it all depends on the quality, source, and your wallet.

    Cannabis is expensive. Using it as biomass for an extraction where you’re harvesting the terpenes will quickly rack up the dollars. If you’re looking to create products beyond just a limited short run, then you’re going to start facing issues with supply. If you have issues with supply, then you’re also going to have issues with repeatability.

    It is nearly impossible to standardize the sensitive flavor/aroma compounds found in cannabis from harvest to harvest. There will always be some sort of drift - meaning that your cannabis-derived terpenes from one batch will be different from the next batch. It’ll be extremely difficult to provide your customers an exact and repeatable experience.

    It’s also important to note that the type and quality of your extraction will play heavily into the finished quality. Yes, extracting the aroma compounds from cannabis can provide you with CDTs that smell extremely similar to the original plant, but you’ll also likely have undesirable compounds as well. Stuff like lipids, waxes, and chlorophyll can make it through the extraction process. Depending on how much you’d like to distill that extract, you might run the risk of removing some of the compounds you do want in the finished product.

    The better question for all of this is - what are you seeking from using cannabis-derived terpenes? Authenticity? The actual flavor and aroma found in cannabis?

    The Native Series provides all of that with unparalleled accuracy and authenticity. They smell and taste exactly like the cannabis they were modeled from. Not to mention that the formulas are legal worldwide, standardized, repeatable, and scalable. Oh, and they don’t cost you both your arms (and maybe a leg.)

  • Do Native Series profiles require any special handling?

    Yes and no.

    You still use them just like regular terpene profiles, but the cannasulfur compounds are volatile and will evaporate if you open the cap too often. We strongly recommend that you leave the bottle capped and sealed until you’re ready to make products.

    Think of it like a jar of flower. The more you open it, the more the aroma degrades.

  • How much should I use?

    We suggest a maximum of 8% total added terpenes in any vape/cannabis/hemp product. Too much of a good thing will ruin the experience.

    Click here to visit our mixing calculator.

Signature Series

  • Why do you call this a new age of cannabis?

    We set out to accomplish four things with the Signature Series:

    1. Work directly with the best cultivators to create the signature version of their flower’s terpene profile based off of our industry-leading analytics and the cultivar’s (strain’s) unique metabolite fingerprint.

    2. Give cultivators the opportunity to capture lost revenue and grow their brand by licensing their own signature profile to other companies looking to sell their infamous products.

    3. Give consumers the opportunity to experience legendary cannabis strains as they were intended regardless of where they choose to shop.

    4. Give 3rd-party companies the opportunity to sell 100% authentic products through a limited licensing agreement without expensive, complicated, and drawn out legal battles.

    It is shockingly common to find knockoff products that have been renamed for more marketability to help with their commercial appeal. There is nobody out there testing these products to see if this Gelato is actually Gelato, for example. You can call your product anything and get away with it.

    Brands who own the rights to these names are stuck playing whack-a-mole trying to stop knockoffs. Consumers are buying products thinking they’re paying for one thing while unfortunately getting something else.

    We have the capability to do better. The future of commercial cannabis is brands. Brand name strains, cultivators, and companies. It’s inevitable and, what’s more, it’s a good thing. It pushes cultivators to create more unique and excellent products in order to stand out. Consumers can have a wider selection of incredible cannabis. And for those companies who are selling knockoffs, this is an opportunity to give your customers what they want. An opportunity to sell the real thing.

    If you’re interested in reading more - check out our white paper.

  • Will there be more Signature Series profiles?


    The work that goes into a Signature Series profile is unheard of in the terpene space. We’re not joking when we say that we’ve invested thousands of hours into getting these products perfect. The Bacio Gelato collaboration with Mario Guzman took over four years to get absolutely right.

    We are working directly with the world’s best cultivators/breeders who are making the most iconic and in-demand strains today.

  • Why can only Abstrax deliver authenticity?

    Hey, glad you asked.

    No other terpene company has our capabilities. Abstrax is the only terpene manufacturer licensed in the United States to study, extract, and formulate our own terpene profiles from cannabis analyzed in-house. Other terpene companies are relying on third-party labs to perform analytics with questionable and varying degrees of quality.

    We are the only terpene company in the world with a GCxGC (pronounced GC cross GC.) This is proprietary technology that allows us to test for well over 400 compounds found in cannabis. Other labs test for, on average, around 30-40 compounds. To put it another way, our analytical capabilities are at least 10x greater. It’s like using an electron microscope versus a magnifying glass. Other terpene companies might as well be formulating in the dark.

    Even if other terpene manufacturers work directly with cultivators, they are still throwing darts blindfolded trying to guess the correct ingredients. And no other terpene company is using cannasulfur compounds (the ingredients Abstrax discovered that give cannabis its distinctive aroma) so their resulting formula will smell like just a bottle of terps and nothing like the original flower.

    Only Abstrax can deliver authenticity.

  • Can I have my own Signature Series profile?

    Did you create one of the most iconic cannabis strains in history? Do you want to develop your own Signature Series profile?

    We are seeking the best of the best. The cultivars that everyone knows by name. This is an opportunity to define exactly what your strain is through world-leading analytics, and to then capitalize upon it for life.

    Click here to contact us and get started. It doesn’t cost a dime.

  • Are Jack Herer and Bacio Gelato the only Advanced Terpene Profiles?

    Big nope.

    Both the Signature Series and the Native Series contain cannasulfur compounds (CSCs) to impart that gassy, skunky flavor and aroma that matches exactly with the flower’s metabolite fingerprint.

    They’re both powered by the same underlying technology, but the Signature Series is made in full partnership with the original cultivator/breeder/family so that it’s a perfect representation.

    It’s important to note that not every Signature Series or Native Series profile will contain CSCs. If the flower sample doesn’t contain CSCs then the resulting Signature/Native Series profile won’t either.

    For example, Jack Herer is the quintessential hazy sativa and it has almost no CSCs. Bacio Gelato, on the other hand, is the gassiest strain we’ve ever measured.

    We’re all about authenticity so we’re not going to start adding random ingredients just to make it smell skunky.

  • Do Advanced Terpene Profiles require any special handling?

    Yes and no.

    You still use them just like regular terpene profiles, but the cannasulfur compounds are volatile and will evaporate if you open the cap too much. We strongly recommend that you leave the bottle capped and sealed until you’re ready to make products.

    Think of it like a jar of flower. The more you open it, the more the aroma degrades.

  • How much should I use?

    We suggest a maximum of 8% total added terpenes in any cannabis/hemp/vape product. Too much of a good thing will ruin the experience.

    Click here to visit our mixing calculator.

Premium Strain Profiles

  • What are Premium Strain Profiles?

    Premium Strain Profiles are perfect for consumers who want the flavor and effect of cannabis without smelling like they just hotboxed their car.

    They’re scalable, consistent, and authentic to their source material. Our in-house team of flavor chemists craft each profile from scratch based upon our own plant analytics - something no other terpene company does.

    Premium Strains are classic botanical terpene profiles. They are formulated to have the same flavor and effect of the cannabis strains they’re modeled after, but they won’t smell skunky because they don’t include cannasulfur compounds.

  • What’s the difference between Premium Strain Profiles and the Native Series or the Signature Series?

    The Native and Signature Series are both collections of Advanced Terpene Profiles. That means that they largely include cannasulfur compounds (CSCs) to provide the exact skunky flavor and aroma of cannabis. These use only natural compounds natively found in cannabis. We aren't adding anything artificial or anything that doesn't naturally occur in the plant.

    Premium Strains are classic botanical terpene profiles. They’re still modeled after individual cannabis strains and confirmed through a sensory panel, but they don’t contain CSCs.

    Depending on your customer base, this could be exactly what they’re looking for. The flavor, effect, and terpene aroma of cannabis without reeking of skunk. Think discrete.

    Premium Strain Profiles are a more concealable, low-key form of cannabis enjoyment.

  • How much should I use?

    We suggest a maximum of 8% total added terpenes in any vape/cannabis/hemp product. Too much of a good thing will ruin the experience.

    Click here to visit our mixing calculator.

Hemp Terpenes

  • What are Hemp-Derived Terpenes?

    Just as the name implies, these are a hemp extract specifically refined for maximum flavor and aroma. There are no cannabinoids (not even CBD) so you’re only getting the aromatic goodness.

    Hemp-Derived Terpenes are another way to elevate your brand portfolio by offering unique products to drive growth across multiple applications.

    Our hemp genetics were selectively bred for maximum flavor and aroma yield. With each successive generation of breeding, we’re able to produce hemp with more and more unique aromatics. It’s really come a long way since the George Washington days.

  • Are these "live resin" terpenes?

    The short answer is that these are exactly like what you're thinking of by saying "live resin" terpenes, but "live resin" terpenes are improperly named in the first place.

    This can get confusing so here's the shorthand: Live Resin is a brand name, live resin is a cannabis concentrate, but "live resin terpenes" are a total misnomer. Here's why.

    Live resin is a honey-like cannabis concentrate created with fresh frozen cannabis and extracted using a hydrocarbon extraction method (typically butane). The plants are kept frozen throughout the extraction and they skip the traditional drying, curing, and trimming phases of harvest. The plants must remain frozen otherwise the heat will destroy the volatile flavor and aroma compounds and, additionally, they’ll carry over unwanted water.

    "Live resin terps" would imply that the terpenes were extracted from a live resin cannabis concentrate, but that almost never happens. It doesn’t make economic sense and its not what you think you're buying.

    The brand name Live Resin refers to steam-distilled hemp-derived terpenes. They are not extracted from a live resin concentrate.

    So yes, these are steam-distilled hemp-derived terpenes like other "live resin" terpenes. Except ours are distilled from FRESH (never frozen) live flower and further refined using molecular distillation.

  • How do Hemp-Derived Terpenes compare to botanically-derived terpenes?

    Our Hemp-Derived Terpenes are created from an extraction of live hemp flower. They contain the full range of terpenes, aldehydes, esters, ketones, thiols, alcohols, etc, etc. It is a very "full" flavor profile.

    On the other hand, our botanically-derived terpenes are a formulation based on our industry-leading analytics. We use hundreds of different flavor/aroma compounds to recreate the sensorial experiences of cannabis/hemp. Meaning they’re very, very similar, but still a different experience.

    This often leads to the inevitable question: which one is better?

    Neither! They are both tools to get the job done. HDT could be the velvet hammer you've been looking for to make authentically dank cannabis products or to add additional dank earthy/herbal notes to your favorite blends. HDT and BDT both have their place in the market.

  • How can I use Hemp-Derived Terpenes?

    Just like any other terpenes! Hemp-Derived Terpenes are another way to elevate your brand portfolio by offering unique products to drive growth across multiple applications.

    Use them to flavor your distillate/concentrates, add dank flavor to your edibles, infuse your pre-rolls and flower, etc, etc.

    For a real kick, try combining them with our botanically-derived terpenes (specifically the Cloudburst Series). That’s a door with a lot of opportunity behind it. Check out the answer to question 5 below for ideas, suggestions, and more info.

  • Can you combine Hemp-Derived Terpenes with botanically-derived terpenes?

    Oh yeah, absolutely. We offer a wide range of botanical terps so you can create some truly unique combinations.

    Here are three of our favorite ideas:

    Example One: There is a growing trend of products that use flavorful botanically-derived terpenes (like our Cloudburst Series) with hemp-derived terpenes. The hemp provides dank earthy base notes, while the botanically-derived Cloudburst terps give extreme fruity/dessert flavors.

    Example Two: Try combining our hemp terps with the Native Series. One criticism of HDT is that it doesn’t always contain the full gassy, skunkyness that you’d expect from CDT… but the Native Series does! Grab our gassiest Native Series profile (King Louie XIII) and add it to the HDT to create some seriously dank flavor.

    Example Three: Combine ideas one and two. Use HDT as the “base” of the flavor. Then layer in the gassy cannasulfurs from the Native Series to give it that classic skunky cannabis aroma. Finish it off with the extreme fruity/dessert flavors of the Cloudburst Series. “Full” flavor and aroma doesn’t even come close to adequately explaining how awesome this combo is.

  • What does "single-source/single-origin" mean?

    Single-source means that we’re not creating mysterious blends. Every bottle contains the extract from the specific cultivar on the label. It hasn’t been combined with the extract from any other genetic so you’re getting the pure, unadulterated flavor and aroma of that individual cultivar.

    It also means that you know exactly where your terps are coming from: one farm, one cultivar, and one final extract. Abstrax is in control over the entire process from selecting the genetics, planting, harvesting, extracting, refining, and delivery. Single-source means that we can ensure the highest quality product from start to finish.

  • Are these "full spectrum"?

    This is a marketing term that has begun to lose its meaning. It does not apply to terpenes on their own and thus we do not use the term to describe our Hemp-Derived Terpenes. However, these CAN be used to create full-spectrum finished products.

    You’ve probably heard the terms "full spectrum" and "broad spectrum." Let’s break down what these terms mean in relation to hemp.

    "Full spectrum" refers to a total plant extract. It has the full spectrum of compounds found within hemp (both desired and undesired) - that includes the wide range of cannabinoids (both major and minor) as well as all of the aromatic chemicals (terpenes, ketones, esters, thiols, etc) and undesirable compounds like chlorophyll, lipids, and waxes. There is a debate about whether full-spectrum products can still be referred to as "full spectrum" if the undesirable components are removed during the refinement process. It depends on who you ask.

    "Broad spectrum" products will typically have just one or two cannabinoids (usually THC or CBD) and a typical terpene profile of 30-40 terps. They are often a formulation intended to deliver very specific flavor or effect.

    Using either term to describe Hemp-Derived Terpenes doesn’t make sense since there are zero cannabinoids in our profiles. While they contain all the expected flavor and aromatic compounds of a "full spectrum" total plant extract, they lack the cannabinoids and undesirables that define such an extract.

    For the sake of being technically accurate and educational, we do not refer to our terps as "full spectrum." However, these are half of the ingredients needed to create a "full spectrum" finished product.

  • How do I make "full spectrum" finished products?

    You can use our HDTs to create "full spectrum" finished products. Our HDTs contain hundreds of aromatic compounds so you're getting a "full spectrum" of flavor and aroma, but they are only half of the required components.

    In order to make a "full spectrum" product you need two things:

    1. A full range of cannabinoids, both major and minor. Meaning your extract/distillate/solution has a cannabinoid profile with some amount of: THC, CBD, CBC, CBG, CBN, THCv, etc.
    2. A full range of flavor & aroma compounds. This includes terpenes, flavonoids, esters, ketones, thiols, aldehydes, and more.

    When you combine these two together you get a true "full spectrum" product. Alternatively, you can perform a total plant extraction that preserves both the cannabinoids and flavor/aroma. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is an example of a full spectrum total plant extract.

  • Are these cannabis-derived terpenes (CDT)?

    In short - no. We don’t refer to them as CDT because they come from hemp, not cannabis as we traditionally think of it. In fact, we are one of a small handful of companies who refuse to label their HDT as CDT. This answer is going to ruffle some feathers.

    Hemp and cannabis are technically the same species (Cannabis sativa L.), a flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family. They both grow cannabinoids, terpenes, and other aromatics. To really simplify this, the main differences are the amount of each chemical they produce, the quantity of the "undesired" compounds, and their overall uses.

    As we mentioned, there are a lot of companies out there who will say that HDT and CDT are the same thing. Since hemp and cannabis are the same species, folks have been claiming that low-THC cannabis (hemp) produces the same volatile compounds as high-THC cannabis. They charge a premium for their "cannabis-derived terpenes" and, unfortunately, the market can often be fooled and gobble it up.

    Are they technically lying? No. They are not incorrect to refer to their hemp as cannabis, but if they’re not specifying that their "cannabis" is actually just low-THC hemp, then they’re being a little disingenuous.

    The quickest and easiest way to understand the difference is to sample HDTs next to CDTs. Cannabis has had decades to be selectively bred for its flavor & aroma, whereas hemp has really only had a fraction of that time. Traditionally hemp has been bred for industrial uses or for CBD extraction. It's relatively new to breed hemp specifically for terpenes and it will take several generations to close the genetic gap.

    Now, is hemp inferior to cannabis? That’s a subjective question. Just like how some people prefer red apples to green apples, both CDT and HDT have their own niche in the market and serve different functions. We believe that there is room for both, and that each is suited to specific customers. If you’re reading this and thinking that HDT is inferior to CDT, just remember - people are buying HDT labeled as CDT and they don’t know the difference. Taste is subjective to each individual person. There is room for all.

    To wrap it up, in our eyes, HDT and CDT are not the same thing.

  • Who is Terplandia?

    Founded in 2018 by Christine Miller and Taher Afghani, Terplandia is rooted in the desire to educate and deliver the highest quality natural terpenes. Just real people, growing real flowers, producing real products. No fillers, no additives, and no adulterants.

Entourage Series

  • What is the Entourage Series?

    The Entourage Series gives function to flavor. Every blend contains just as many terpenes as our Premium Strain Profiles. That means that consumers receive the same powerful Entourage Effect, but they’re not limited to just traditional cannabis flavors. Your customers can experience the effects of cannabis but in fun flavors like Blueberry and Watermelon.

    To compare and contrast - our terpene strain profiles (Premium Strains, Native Series, Signature Series) are created to replicate the characteristics of individual cannabis strains.

  • What is the Entourage Effect?

    Alright, picture an elevator and an airplane.

    If you were to smoke 100% pure THC, it’d be like riding a (really tall) elevator. You’d go up, but you’re not really going anywhere. Sooner or later you’re going to come back down in the same place. Not really a thrill ride.

    Now add terpenes and repeat the experiment. This time you’re going to go wayyy up, miles higher, but you’re also going to go on a trip. Now you’re flying and heading to Rome and Paris and maybe even the moon. Blast off, space cowboy.

    Okay, to get serious, terpenes and cannabinoids work synergistically. The cannabis plant naturally contains both and that’s the quintessential experience that most of us are used to. When you combine terpenes and cannabinoids, just like nature intended, you get the full experience. You paint in color. You fly.

    This is the “Entourage Effect” in action. If you’re making products with cannabinoids, you need terpenes.

  • How does the Entourage Series compare to the Cloudburst Series?

    The Entourage Series is all about functional flavor whereas the Cloudburst Series is optimized for maximum flavor intensity.

    Both collections will provide the Entourage Effect, but the Entourage Series is specifically formulated to deliver maximum effect while also providing incredible flavor.

    In other words, Cloudburst is optimized for maximum flavor while Entourage is optimized for effect. Both taste great!

  • How much should I use?

    We suggest a maximum of 8% total added terpenes in any vape/cannabis/hemp product. Too much of a good thing will ruin the experience.

    Click here to visit our mixing calculator.

Cloudburst Series

  • What is the Cloudburst Series?

    It’s all about flavor, flavor, and more flavor. Our Cloudburst Series takes traditional terpene flavoring and blows it out of the stratosphere. No other functional flavor product comes even close to matching Cloudburst’s intensity.

    In-your-face, over-the-top, mouthwatering flavor combines with our classic Abstrax terpenes to deliver an experience that your customers are going to love.

  • How are Cloudburst blends made?

    Every single one of Abstrax’s products, from our Native Series to Cloudburst, is formulated entirely in-house. We’re not buying off-the-shelf flavor solutions like some of those other guys. We’re creating our products from scratch. Every. Single. Time.

    That means that every flavor is reverse-engineered by our chemists to create completely unique and accurate flavor profiles that you’re not going to find anywhere else. This allows us to craft products that are incredibly faithful to their source material.

    Cloudburst takes that idea two steps further.

    First we analyze the most popular, the sweetest, the most in-demand dessert flavors to figure out what makes them tick. Then our chemists build each flavor profile from the ground up, constantly tuning and refining to establish a faithful recreation of the source material.

    But here’s what makes Cloudburst exceptional. Once that base profile is established, our chemists will go in and crank up the intensity of each blend’s best attributes.

    The result is an extremely powerful flavor that hits and lasts, all while maintaining the function of traditional terpene flavoring.

  • How does the Cloudburst Series compare to the Entourage Series?

    The Cloudburst Series is all about maximum flavor intensity whereas the Entourage Series is optimized for functional flavor.

    Both collections will provide the Entourage Effect, but the Cloudburst Series is specifically formulated to deliver the absolute maximum flavor intensity.

    In other words, Cloudburst is optimized for maximum flavor while Entourage is optimized for effect. Both taste great!

  • How much should I use?

    With Cloudburst’s intensity, we suggest a maximum of 6-7% in any vape/cannabis/hemp product. Too much of a good thing will ruin the experience.

    Click here to visit our mixing calculator.

Advanced Terpene Profiles

  • What are Advanced Terpene Profiles?

    These are the next-generation of terpene profiles.

    Abstrax is the only company in the world who offers Advanced Terpene Profiles and it’s entirely because we are the folks who discovered what makes cannabis smell like cannabis. We have peer-reviewed literature in scientific publications that proves we understand what makes cannabis taste and smell the way it does. If it’s not obvious, we’re really passionate about this stuff.

    We’ve taken the results of our multi-year research study and used them to formulate the first Advanced Terpene Profiles. They, by and large, contain cannasulfur compounds (CSCs) to impart that true gassy, skunky flavor and aroma that matches exactly with the cannabis flower's metabolic fingerprint. When it comes to their flavor, aroma, and effect you can think of them like cannabis-derived terpenes… without the cannabis.

    It’s important to note that not every Advanced Terpene Profile will contain CSCs. If the original flower sample doesn’t contain CSCs then the resulting Advanced Terpene Profile won’t either. We’re not going to throw in random ingredients that aren’t true to the original cannabis.

  • How do Advanced Terpene Profiles compare to Live Resin, Hemp Terpenes, or Cannabis-Derived Terpenes?

    Let’s start off by defining what each of these terms mean.

    Live resin is an extract obtained from the extraction of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds typically via the use of a solvent, but not always. Live Resin is the most popular form of extract in the cannabis world. Special note: don’t confuse “Live Resin” with the misnamed “Live Resin Terpene” offerings you’ll find from our competitors. “Live Resin Terpenes” are just mislabeled marketing fluff.

    Cannabis-derived terpenes (CDT) are terpenes that have been extracted from good ol’ fashioned cannabis plants.

    Hemp Terpenes, referred to as HDT for hemp-derived terpenes, are extremely similar to CDT (cannabis-derived terpenes) except that they’re extracted from hemp rather than cannabis.

    Advanced Terpene Profiles take the best elements of CDT/HDT, but they’re not limited by supply, they don’t cost your firstborn child, and they’re legal everywhere.

  • Which Abstrax collections offer Advanced Terpene Profiles?

    We currently have three Advanced Terpene Profile collections split across the vape and CPG markets.

    For Abstrax Tech, our Signature Series and Native Series collections offer Advanced Terpene Profiles.

    For Abstrax Hops, our BrewGas Series is a line of Advanced Terpene Profiles aimed at bringing hops and cannabis together.

  • Do Advanced Terpene Profiles require any special handling?

    Yes and no.

    You still use them just like regular terpene profiles, but the cannasulfur compounds are volatile and will evaporate if you open the cap too often. We strongly recommend that you leave the bottle capped and sealed until you’re ready to make products.

    Think of it like a jar of flower. The more you open it, the more the aroma degrades.

AI Terp Effects

  • What are AI Terp Effects?

    To put it simply - each AI Terp Effect blend is targeted and optimized for one specific mood effect. It's a laser-focused approach to functional products that allows you to create predictable, repeatable, and scalable effects.

    Most cannabis strains have a wide variety of effects because of their terpene profiles. In addition to their genetics, the cannabis plant will create different terpenes in response to stimuli during the growing process. A seed grown indoors will produce drastically different terpenes than a seed planted outdoors.

    It's a miracle that terpenes have such an effect on human beings, but their main purpose is to serve the cannabis plant itself. As a result, the end flower produces a variety of different effects in humans.

    AI Terp Effects are built to produce one singular effect very, very well.

  • Who is budboard?

    We’ve partnered with the cool dudes over at budboard to create these formulas. If you’ve stopped into a dispensary within the last 3 years then chances are that you’ve seen their work already. They’ve created a system to visually illustrate what each product contains so that customers are informed about their purchase in one quick glance.

    Point is - they collect lab data from over 5,000 different products and then provide that information to over 200,000 medical marijuana patients making purchases every month. Each product goes through a full terpene analysis at a verified lab to confirm its composition. budboard strongly believes that people should know as much in-depth information about these cannabis products so that patients can make the best purchasing decisions. After all, you want the product to do what it’s advertised to do, right?

  • Have AI Terp Effects ever been studied or tested?

    We like to be thorough, so we reached out to Dr. Avery Gilbert who’s a legend in sensory quantification. For the last three decades, he has pioneered a system called Mood Descriptor Profilingwhich helps to characterize the mood impressions of different scents. Ever been to the store and seen those citrus shampoos that wake you up in the morning? He’s one of the guys that started all of that.

    Dr. Gilbert has been conducting a quantitative sensory research study utilizing our five AI Terp Effects with a random assortment of participants. Each participant is given an unlabeled blend and is asked to categorize their mood impressions of it using an 11-point classification system. This is our real-world test to confirm that each AI Terp Effect does exactly what it’s intended to do.

    If you’d like to get even further into the nitty gritty, you can view the white paper here.

  • What is the difference between AI Terp Effects and our other terpene products?

    Our terpene strain profiles are designed to replicate the flavor, aroma, and effect of particular cannabis strains. Every cannabis profile will offer a wide range of different effects based on their terpene composition.

    AI Terp Effects are specially optimized to produce one specifically targeted mood effect. So if you want the maximum terpene-based effect possible, then they’re looking for AI Terp Effects.

  • Can AI Terp Effects be paired with Cloudburst or any other Abstrax products for flavor?

    No. All of our products are terpene based. Adding those products to AI Terp Effects would involve layering their terpenes on top of these terpenes. This would cause flavor, aroma, and effect drift which would all lead to a sub-par experience. And that defeats the purpose.

    AI Terp Effects are designed to be combined with non-terpene based flavoring… which we absolutely do! Click here to create a custom order and we’ll tailor everything to fit your needs.

Terpene Isolates

  • What are Terpene Isolates?

    In the simplest terms, they are isolated individual terpenes.

    Think of them like LEGO blocks. You can assemble them together to build whatever your imagination can dream. We use terpene isolates to create all of our Abstrax products.

    In fact, these are the exact same Terpene Isolates we use in all of our products. If you’ve had the opportunity to sample our products then you’ve already experienced these isolates at work. We sell them in their isolated form so that you can create your very own products using the best, most flavorful terpenes available.

  • What makes your Terpene Isolates special?

    We approach our terpene isolates a bit differently than our competitors. Instead of getting hung up on percentages and purity, we source and refine our isolated terpenes by how they smell and how they taste while still satisfying every regulatory and safety threshold.

    We’re going to assume that, if you’re reading this, you’re likely a product manufacturer or somebody who cares about the experience of their consumers. You’re probably not purchasing isolated terpenes for the sake of calibrating extremely expensive scientific equipment. So what truly matters is how these terps are perceived from a finished-product standpoint while still passing every state’s strict safety & regulatory standards. It’s all about the flavor, aroma, and experience.

    For example, we’ve sourced isolates that are greater than 98% pure and they taste fundamentally wrong. Just because an isolate has a higher purity percentage, it doesn’t mean that it’s a better product or that it tastes/smells good.

    We believe that people want a consistent, reliable, and high-quality experience. So we source and refine our terpenes with that in mind every single time. Does the end consumer care that your Valencene has a purity of 99% or are they more concerned with how it tastes?

    It should also be noted that we use these isolated terpenes in our own products. These are the exact same terps we use to make our blends. We’re not selling anything we don’t completely believe in or wouldn’t use ourselves. This is the good stuff.

  • Your isolates are not 100% pure terpenes, what is the other percentage?

    It’s other aromatic compounds such as esters, aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols. These are common (not scary) secondary metabolites found within the original plant.

  • Are your Terpene Isolates food grade?

    Yup, all of our Terpene Isolates are food grade. Every single botanical product we make uses only food grade ingredients.

  • What do I use Terpene Isolates for?

    For making products! All of our products are intended to be sold to businesses looking to make products.

    They are not intended to be ingested on their own. In fact, they can be downright unpleasant if you try to consume these undiluted. Don’t say we didn’t warn ya’.


  • Why do you call it a Liquidizer instead of diluent/dilutant?

    Right off the bat - they’re similar terms. A Liquidizer/solubilizer is meant to keep something that is typically a solid (in its pure form) as a liquid while it’s in solution. A Liquidizer prevents it from crashing out or crystalizing in solution. CBD is a perfect example of this.

    A diluent is meant to dilute down the potency of something active (like THC.) For example, if you have a 90% THC solution/extract and you wanted to dilute it down to 50% THC for a product formulation. Just like a diluent, you can use a Liquidizer to achieve that, but a Liquidizer does more than just modify the extract or dilute the potency.

  • What is TEC Temper?

    TEC Temper is a proprietary blend of triethyl-citrate and terpenes.

  • What do I use TEC Temper for?

    TEC Temper helps to standardize the viscosity of your extracts.

    Some cannabinoids, particularly D8/D10/HHC, are way more viscous than D9 and they can solidify or clog up hardware. CBD is prone to crystallization and offers its own unique challenges. TEC Temper can help to alleviate all of those issues.

    Keep in mind, terpenes will help to thin your extract just by themselves, but you have to be careful not to add too much. We don’t recommend going above 8% terps or else your products might have unpleasant side effects. So it’s best to add your terps to the flavor level that you’re after and then use TEC Temper if you need to modulate the viscosity further.

  • Which cannabinoids does TEC Temper work with?

    TEC Temper is suitable for D9 THC, D8 THC, D10 THC, HHC, and CBD. Yes, that’s right. It works for both THC and CBD.

  • Does TEC Temper work with CBD?

    It sure does! Not only that, but it also helps to prevent the crystallization of CBD.

  • Does TEC Temper contain any Phytol, Vitamin E, Squalane, etc?

    TEC Temper is a proprietary blend of triethyl-citrate and terpenes. That’s it.

    There is no Phytol, Vitamin E, Vitamin E Acetate, MCT, PG, VG, Coconut Oil, Squalane, Squalene, or other cheap fillers in TEC Temper.

  • Do I have to use TEC Temper?

    It depends on your extract and cannabinoid, but no, TEC Temper is not a requirement. TEC Temper is a product that thins your oil so that it’s flowable while helping to prevent crystallization or crashing out. Terpenes also do this, but you generally don’t want to go above 8% terpenes or else it can be unpleasant. That’s when you want to use TEC Temper.

  • How much should I use?

    It entirely depends on your extract, cannabinoid, and preference! We’ve got some recommendations, but it’ll take some experimenting on your end.

    Click here to visit our mixing calculator.


  • Why should I use Gellies for my infused-gummies?

    A Lambo and a tractor both have four tires and a steering wheel. Technically they’re similar, but they’re intended for very different purposes.

    There are a ton of ways to make infused-gummies, but every conventional flavor option (fruit juices, jello, etc) was developed WITHOUT cannabis in mind. These are existing flavors that are being repurposed to work in an application they weren’t designed for. So it’s very hit-or-miss when creating your gummy flavors and pairing it with a cannabinoid.

    Gellies has been made specifically for cannabis gummies. From the very beginning, it was developed and tested with the flavor of cannabis in mind. It uses exotic flavor compounds naturally found in the plant so that you have complete flavor harmony. Gellies’ only purpose is to create the most delicious infused-gummies, period.

    Use the right tool for the job.

  • Why do you recommend acids with Gellies?

    We recommend different acids that enhance the individual flavors of Gellies. Malic Acid, for example, is derived from apples and really helps to bring out that “apple-y” taste. You don’t have to use the acids we recommend, but they make a big difference when you do.

  • Does Gellies use terpenes?

    Gellies does not use terpenes in the same sense as our other products. While inhalable vape blends are primarily driven by terpenes for their flavor and aroma, but Gellies does not. Gellies does use exotic flavor compounds naturally found in cannabis, though. Unique ingredients like the recently-discovered Tropicannasulfur Compounds are found in Gellies.

  • Can I add in terpenes for effects?

    Absolutely! We recommend pairing them with our water-soluble AI Terp Effects. You can easily add them to your order from any Gellies product page.

  • How do I use Gellies?

    We’ve made a detailed mixing guide explaining how to use Gellies. It walks you through all of the steps, plus how to pair it with AI Terp Effects to give your gummies an additional boost of effect.

    You can find the guide here.

  • Can I smoke/vape Gellies?

    Please don’t. Gellies uses PG/Ethanol and is intended specifically for cannabis gummies. If you’d like similar-tasting inhalable flavors, we recommend our Cloudburst Series.

  • Can Abstrax flavor my edibles and vapes with the same flavor?

    Abstrax is your one-stop-shop when it comes to flavoring ALL of your cannabis products. We can create and deliver your brand’s own flavor in whatever application you’d like. Imagine selling your signature flavor as a vape, pre-roll, or gummy. Contact us to create your own custom flavor - OR try some similar flavors in the Cloudburst Series to mix and match.

  • Does Gellies add any color to my gummies?

    At the recommended dilution ratio of 1-2%, Gellies will not impart any color to your gummies.

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